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Founder Director’s Message

Thirty five years have passed since I stepped into the world of children’s education and I am still batting at the crease believing that children’s rights need special protection if society is to be called civilized.

If we look forward to calling ourselves civilized we need to prioritize:

  1. Needs of children
  2. Needs of the elderly
  3. Needs of the rest

and in that very order.

In the battle between the rights and duties of children, the adult very often sacrifices the child’s basic right to joyful childhood under the garb of heavy duty learning, which is also referred to as formal education, and ambition. Over ambitious adults, that includes teachers and parents, are very often the culprits in this.

Centre Point Group of Schools is and will always be in the process of trying to make a child’s life as happy and fulfilled as possible

Mrs. Aruna Upadhyaya, Founder Director
Mrs. Aruna Upadhyaya
Founder Director
Centre Point group of Schools

Mrs. Aruna Upadhyaya

Mrs. Aruna Upadhyaya