Whoever said that “Change cannot be permanent” was perhaps not aware of DFC (Design for Change)– that says – “Be the change you want to see”. An International Contest whose tremors have resonated in the hearts of Centre Point School students year after year has assumed Tsunamic proportions that has inundated the whole school, leaving no soul untouched; arid. It is really difficult to enumerate who has been left untouched by the change – the students OR the rest of the school they influenced, OR the teachers, OR their families, OR their neighbours – all of whom have pitched in to do their bit.
From 2009-2012, the “I CAN” spirit has inspired every batch to rise above the ordinary and it is no ordinary feat that out of tens of thousands of entries from all over India, CPS ’s story of Change finds a spot in the TOP 100 prize winning Stories every year!
From giving financial and emotional succor to terminally ill Cancer patients, inspiring non blood donors to donate blood, transforming a garbage dump to a beautiful garden, and motivating children of poor miners against playing truant from their residential school – our children have explored the kaleidoscope of civic and moral challenges and emerged as more morally wholesome individuals.
Of course! The rewards have been plenty! From a CNN-IBN feature to a Disney Play Centre and a story in Amar Chitra Katha to an Invitation to the first INTERNATIONAL “I CAN” conference, every reward has spurred us to strive harder!
As a Partner in Change, CPS Wardhaman Nagar has also infected more and more schools every year with the I CAN bug and each year schools across Nagpur are heartily participating in this unique Contest that magically brings out the best in every child simply because everyone loves to do a “Good deed”.
”I Can” Conference
At the other school
Selling newspapers for funds
With Cancer Patients
Blood Donation
Top 10 School in Nagpur